I was soooo sore after that push, pull, or drag yourself in WOD that I actually took a rest day on Wednesday. That was not a good feeling. I was determined to go back in Thursday and hit the Helen interval wod, but I got there and felt utterly spent. I was sore, I was tired... I was not in in a good way. So, I was getting ready to go. I just wasn't feeling it. Chris didn't call me out, but suggested maybe I do something else. I told him I was going to run, but didn't have my headphones so he loaned me his. I was really greatful because it allowed me to get some work in even though I wasn't feeling 100% awesome. I ran the loop 3 times and therefore got in 3 miles. I say that's not too shabby for a non-runner person like me.
I will admit though that I am totally diggin' the new kicks I bought (and yes that is they up above. They are the Infiniti 2). They are another pair of Brooks and I think they may be my favorite to date. I also bought new insoles and heated them in the oven to mold them to my feet. They are wonderful. I'm still having knee pain as I'm not really used to running, but it's nothing like what it was before. Hopefully I can start building up to 3.5, then 4 miles and so on. We'll see though! :)
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