Dude, I so used to love these books as a kid. I googled these, and there are tons of them and Amazon still sells them. Hmmmmmmm.... I also had to laugh because people have also spoofed the covers. I almost choose one called "Choose your own death". Now granted, this wod hurt and I've now got Fran lung/Fran cough, I'm kinda feeling like death, but not really dead. Soooooooo... I choose the other picture.
Today was sort of choose your own pain. Our wod involved interval training between 3-5 rounds. For some people 3 was plenty. For others, 5 or 6 were necessary. Regardless of how many intervals you did though, one thing was for sure. It HURT. I did four rounds this morning and I was SMOKED. I would have done 5 but ran into the 0600 class so I wasn't able to do a final round. I think though honestly, 4 was more than enough.
Here's the problem with the whole "choosing your own pain" thing though. It sucks. Cause you feel like a wuss if you pick 3, but you feel death if you pick 5. I mean really, can you win either way with this? I say no. :P So regardless though, here's what the WOD was.
Row 300 M
25 kb swings (35)
20 wall ball
15 burpees
Rest 2 min
Lather, rinse, repeat
All in all, for as whacked out as I have felt lately at the box, this actually was a pretty good wod for me.
Round 1-5:02
Round 2-4:55
Round 3-5:22
Round 4-6:30
By the time I hit the last round, I really had nothing left in the tank. I was HURT-ING. Yes, I really meant to break that apart into syllables. It's all part of Katiespeak. Say it like I says it. :) Kinda like, TARZHAY.... :) Anyhoo, thought of the day: Intervals pretty much suck. Gimme a barbell. Ze end!
PS- as an afterthought, that picture of that book cover is really creepy. It kinda looks like something a little strange, AKA bad, is going on in that picture....
I wiped from my own workout. Reading about this one may me tired all over again!!
Justa... I'm sure you know how I feel about metcons... this one SUCKED... normally I can at least find one thing to like... not today... What did you hit today?
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