*snicker* Oh it's too funny, it's too funny! I can't NOT make snatch jokes. Apparently I also can't use correct grammar either. Thank you double negative. Anyway, so today, dare I say, I liked our workout? I'm serious, this is like, MAJOR. Because, yes we did do snatches today, but then we followed it with interval training. I HATE metcons, and I especially hate push-ups. We did both today, and I LIKED it. I think like the world has shifted out of allignment. No, really. After missing the Hopper Saturday, and being off Friday in preparation for the ass kicking that was coming, I was really needing a wod today.
So we started out with snatches. Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes do 3 heavy snatches. I used 90 for this part of the wod and it felt good. I mean, I was tired, and I probably could've gotten away with going higher, but 90 was good for me. It really allowed me to work my speed under the bar and work on turning things over faster. It was really good for me to work that. I got on my toes a few times but for the most part, my snatches looked and felt good. After the 10 minute wod, we did some interval training, which is where things all go out of whack.
I mean, let's face it. I heart me some barbell work, but give me a metcon and I'm worse than Sally Sour Puss. I hate it. But today for some reason, the intervals felt good. They looked like this:
3-5 rounds
Rest 60 seconds if below 3:00
Rest 90 seconds if above 3:00
If over 4:00 scale
350 M Row
25 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
This was pretty brutal on me, but, BUT even with my slow as crap push-ups, I still managed to get all of these in under 4:00. I decided to do 4 rounds, and was contemplating 5 when I decided that my legs were shakey enough, and that 4 was plenty on the day. My times were 3:32, 3:47, 3:52, 3:57. Not too shabby at all for a girl who hates metcon stuff.
To be honest, it's very strange. It's taken me almost 2 years, but I'm starting to get to that point where I'm pushing through now on metcons. It's happened a few times in the last few weeks where I really just felt like I was going through a barrier and it's made my metcon work sort of on par with other people's. I feel good about that. It's weird. I know. I feel like the planet has shifted or something....
Oh, and as for that really funny picture of me that's up there. See, I didn't have to run out the door today, so we were talking apparel since CF is slated to get some new stuff soon. I confessed that I was wearing cheerleading shorts, and so Jerry snagged this hilarious photo of me in my shiny shoes, "Bad Ass" socks, and my cheerleading shorts. How freakin' funny is this? I should have kept going and done a full photo shoot, but one was funny enough. Honestly though, I just wanted some plain color shorts (without a separate color trim) that didn't cost an arm and a leg, and that I could wear my new socks with. Really, I'm sorry, I'm getting to be all about the socks now. I heart them and found a bunch online I want to buy. Seriously. But I can't wear socks with pants and I want to make cute outfits, so I bought the cheerleader shorts cause they were cheap and what I wanted. But regardless, I just thought the whole thing was very funny. Look for more cute outfits with new socks coming soon! :P
How do I get an invite to see you other blog
Katie's Nonsensical Ramblings (For Invited Readers Only)
T-Hoe, when I started my blog, I was a lot more candid about things in my personal life, and it wound up getting me in trouble when a guy I was seeing, still had a girlfriend. She found my blog and thus all my ramblings and she and her friends enjoyed bashing me. A little too much in my opinion since clearly I was clueless. Anyway, I started that blog just to share what was going on with all my friends, but it's sort of gone to pot. I haven't posted on there in a long time and have resumed posting more about my personal life on here. If you want to read all my past ramblings, I can add you. Simply send me your email and I'll allow access into the secret world of Katie. ;)
T-Hoe, just so you know, if you look at my full profile, there is an option to send me an email. Just so you know for future, that way you don't have to post anything private.
I didn't see the e-mail button, but oh well.. Thanks for the invite..
Here is my blog in case you need to boring reading
Sorry T-hoe. I forgot I took that off of there after everything that happened last year. It's back now in case you'd like to email me.
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