Friday, March 25, 2011

Burpee blitz and Baby Barbara...

I was able to get to the box on Monday night and was thinking of just going for a run to get something in quick before I got back to my papers and school work, but Melissa talked me into doing the alt wod for the day instead which was 5 rounds for time of 20 burpees and a 400 m run.  I did it, and boy did it suck.  I pulled it in around 26 minutes which for me, not so bad, but I was hoping for sub 25.  The first 3 rounds moved pretty fast, but boy oh boy did those burpees catch up with me.  See, I don't flop my burpees the way you see a lot of people do (and they're not supposed to).  I catch myself in a push-up position, do my push-up, then get up.  I don't flop to make it easier.  So by burpee 65 my arms were on FIRE.  Good news is though that I got it in and that it was a metcon.

I then somehow managed to completely f my alarm both Tuesday AND Wednesday.  I can't believe it, but I seriously did.  So, I got myself into the box last night before having to be up at 3am this morning for a field trip to Virginia Tech.  So, I decided last night to do Barbara, but do a baby Barbara since it was 645 and I needed to be in bed by 8.  I only did 3 of the 5 rounds, but man were they smokers.  Round 1 was pretty quick for me but after that initial round at 5:00, I then dropped to 6:57 and 7:00.  It would have taken me way too long to get the last 2 rounds in and I never would have made it home to eat, pack, and get in bed by 8 so I cut it short.  I figured it was better to get some work in than none.  So, tomorrow I will hit the box again, and Sunday will have to be a run day to get a 4th day in again.  I'm getting tired of this schedule, but there's not much I can do right now except keep on driving on.

I've been getting a lot of questions about why I didn't do the Open this year, and here's my genuine heartfelt response...

"Open athletes should be those who are training hard and are at a place in their lives where their level of fitness allows them to compete against the best in the section and region.  I am currently not at a place where fitness and clean eating are my top priorities and I would hate to represent my affiliate when I'm not able to demonstrate the level of dedication and drive that Jerry produces in our box.  I do enjoy healthy competition, however, at this time in my life it is not able to be a priority.  Perhaps within the next few months I will get back to working out five days a week and be at a place where I can better represent the dedication of my coach and affiliate, however, that time is simply not now."

Period.  The end. 

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