Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Down and out...

No CF for me today... I'm feeling pretty down and out... this weekend was great to be away, but with conferences and the report card scramble, I'm feeling like I'm in shut down mode. I just can't focus right now. I forgot my bubble sheets here last night so my grades were late and of course I was here at 630am to start working on them. The stupid things took me over 5 hours. Grrrr.... some other stuff is going on too that's got me just... feeling out of sorts. Hopefully I'll be back in the Blue Room tomorrow and feeling better..... we'll see.


rockwell said...

sorry to hear your down, you are always so upbeat most of the time which is why it's such a pleasure to read your blog. hope everythings ok

Anonymous said...

I was just going to make exactly the same comment! I enjoy your pep and humor. No matter what happens, I always take a deep breath and say "This too shall pass". Cliche, I know. But every time without fail, it does.

Katie said...

Thanks guys! I'm glad you enjoy reading. Hopefully now that the first quarter report card push/conferences are done, I'll feel better, but there is a lot of stuff going on (mostly work related) which I of course can't openly talk about on the internet, that is just wearing me thin. Hopefully my sense of humor will return and I'll be back to my usual unusual self soon! ;) Thanks for reading and for commenting. As we all know, I heart comments! ;)

Katie said...

Rockwell, I read your profile blurb and saw your thing about running. If you'd like, I can give you a suggestion or two.