Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Push, Pull, or DRAG it in...

When I lived in PA, I always used to hear this ad on the radio for a car dealership who had a push, pull, or drag it in sale. If you could get your car there they would give you some sort of credit for it. I decided that that should be the title of my blog for yesterday because that's exactly how it felt. There was a little bit of pushing, a little bit of pulling, and a lot of me dragging myself through this workout. After Monday's front squats the old hip flexers were pretty sore so it was no wonder that during this workout they straight up started to burn. Check out this nastiness that Jerry came up with.

For time
50 Wall ball (14)
40 KB swings (35)
30 Jumping lunges
20 Jumping slamballs (10)
10 Pull-ups
800 M Run
10 Pull-ups
20 Jumping slamballs
30 Jumping lunges
40 KB swings
50 Wall ball

Ok, so does anyone else think that this sounds incredibly painfull? Our metcon super master ninjas wailed through this in 15/16 minutes. It took me 23:08. Ow. Just ow. I would just like to state for the record again, that I am NOT, I repeat NOT a metcon super master ninja. Period. Ze end!


Unknown said...

I'm still in pain from this - four days later!

Katie said...

It was a doozy! My legs were totally smoked!