I got to go to the marine parade last night. It was even cooler than the Thursday one, complete with 21 cannon salute. The Dubya was there, and as much as I hate No Child Left Behind and despise some of what he has done, it was cool to be that close to such a powerful person. Laura Bush is adorable however! Check out the pictures here...
LOL "despise" vs. "despite." SLIP!
Very cool...even if it is like getting Jethro Bodine's autograph.
Ugh. We need a "none of the above" box.
No slip there... maybe you need to use your reading strategies and reread the passage... :P LOL.
Its amazing what they can train chimps to do isn't it?
You're much nicer than I am. I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from yelling at him about the unethical a$$-raping his done to the Constitution. Not to mention the American people.
Strange that he was able to raise socially responsible daughters. That must have been Laura's doing.
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