Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why We Fight:Repost

Why We Fight

In dark corners
Of faroff lands,
They fight.

Defending freedoms
And standing tall,
They fight.

Never wavering,
They fight.

Against angry foes
With senseless rage,
They fight.

Through blistering heat
And drenching rains,
They fight.

Through saddening loss
And draining fatigue,
They fight.

When morale is low
And hope seems lost,
They fight.

With bodies and minds
No longer whole,
They fight.

Until they CANNOT
Wage the war,
They fight.

And when their bodies
Have given in,

To show the love
We have for them,
We fight.

To show them
Hope can rise again,
We fight.

To show the warrior
That's within,
We fight.

To help make our
Warriors whole again,

One day,
One WOD,

Supporting The Wounded Warrior Project And Athletes for a Cure

**I reposted this blog because I didn't want it to get lost in the flood of updates I did earlier this morning. I want it at the top because it's important. I can't donate much to the fight because I don't have much to give, but I will donate what I'm able on the 26th. I will get involved in the Fight because our warriors deserve it. I did not copy and paste this from somewhere as someone asked me. I wrote it.**

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