Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I've been tweeted!

If you've ever paid attention to my page (it's ok, I know some of you don't... half the time, I don't)... but seriously, if you've ever really looked at my page, you may have noticed that on the right hand side close to the bottom is a little tool called Feedjit. Feedjit is really neat because when people pop over to read my blog, it tells me where they are coming from.

Now, I'm a nerd, so I totally want to know these sorts of things. Well I noticed today that someone had come from Twitter. I don't use Twitter, so I was intrigued... I won't lie! So I went to Twitter, and through a little sleuthing, I discovered that someone had actually tweeted about my DC/VA/WVA wrap up. I thought that was pretty cool... until I read the rest of the statement, and then it went from cool, to MOST FREAKIN AWESOMEST FANTABULOUS THING EVER Did you catch that?

So, in this tweet the woman who posted the link... she called me, get this, "a badass". WHAT?!?!!? I know right?!?! Someone called me a badass! I thought that was seriously the coolest thing ever. Does this make me a nerd? Probably without a doubt, absofreakinlootely. But, at the same time, it was freakin' cool. Someone thinks I'm badass. Wow... cool beans. I don't know who the woman is, but she totally made my day and I thank her a million times over. I'm sure to write the tweet and post it probably took her all of 30 seconds, but it seriously made my entire day. *EEEH!* And yes, I TOTALLY just did the pig thing...


Erin said...

ummm...hello katie, have you met "Crossfit Katie"? She's a badass and oh wait, she's YOU! Have a little faith in yourself girl---own your badassness!

Angie said...

That's because you ARE a badass! Very cool!!

c wiss said...

Actually, you were Tweeted *and* blogged. A nice two-fer!

Keep on writing, we all need the opportunities to see ourselves through other people's eyes. And I see you as pretty freaking badass. :-D