Wednesday, April 21, 2010

World turned upside down...

Isn't that a song?! I think it is... maybe it is... maybe I just made the whole thing up... But regardless, it pretty accurately describes Monday as I spent the better part of Monday morning being upside down.

Jerry had us do 12 minutes of handstand work to start the day. And if you are a pretty decent handstand-er, then you got to work on free-standing handstands and walking on your hands. Believe me when I tell you, I thought this didn't sound too bad, but oh my God! I woke up Tuesday with traps so sore I couldn't touch them. This really works a whole different rage of muscles. It's clearly more challenging than a wall handstand! I would recommend not trying to do this in a workout, but as we did, a skill practice for a set time limit. I really hurt, but was good practice....

After I nearly killed myself by repeatedly turning myself upside down, Jerry had a nice little metcon for us.... double tabata. Zoinks Shaggy. There is nothing I like less than tabata, well, except push-ups... well now that I think about it... and Cindy. I hate Cindy. No offense to her or anything, but her workout really sucks. Soooo double tabata? With rowing, box jumps and walking lunges? Lord. I think my legs rebelled about halfway through. They were like, yar, we mutiny! And then they just refused to work.

Ok, so maybe my legs didn't REALLY talk like pirates, but it would have been an entertaining workout if they had. Anyway, if you're looking for a nice little gasser, here ya go...

Double Tabata
:40 work/ :20 rest
Box jumps
Walking lunges 15lbs w/20lbs m

Ew, gwoss, and ew. Pardon my alternate languages that I'm randomly throwing in here (Pirate, Katiespeak et al) but seriously. I'm DYING for a day when I get to throw heavy weights all day, and that's it. I don't want to do anymore metcon. I know we need it with the competition coming up and all but I don't want to run, or row, or jump, or double under ANYMORE! BLECH! Enough.... let me OHS someone and I'll be happy. Maybe THAT will come up as a regional wod. I'm putting in my vote for that. 1RM OHS! Someone write that down!


tamikamaria said...

Hey, it coulda been worse. It could have been a double tabata with pushups.

Katie said...

Tami, you make an excellent point. I should probably keep my mouth shut or it will come up that way next time...