Saturday, August 9, 2008

Head, shoulders, KNEES and toes, KNEES and toes...

Soooo... I ran 5.2 miles today. Not too shabby... but my body nearly fell apart. My KNEES were screaming. They are apparently not ready to run more than 2 miles. Cardio wise I felt great, had a great medium pace going, wasn't winded or heaving. I felt pretty good. Then somewhere on mile 2, my knees started to ache. By mile 4 I had to stop and massage them every so often. I am not sure if I run more if this is something that will go away... meaning that right now they're just not used to all the impact of running, and that will get better as I run more, or if my bad knees are doomed to ruin this goal of the 1/2. I guess I'll just have to keep running and see. I think I need to keep doing lots of short runs (2-3) miles just to build up that strength in my knees. But like I said.... we'll see...

I also think I've figured out what I want to get my masters in... problem is I need to see if someone offers it.... so that's a goal for today... along with laundry and vaccuuming my room... it's going to be quite the busy day.... then back to CF tomorrow am to test my chins. I shaved my calluses using the pedegg the other day so we'll see if it helps my grip. I was having trouble because I was getting really sore around my calluses. I think I was actually developing blisters beneath them and it was painful. So hopefully I'll get 26 or it will be funishment for all!! Yikes!!!!! :/


Diarist said...

Running eh? I hate it. I'd rather do burpees and thats saying something.

A friend at work is a long distance runner and she offered to come with me on a 15k I was due to do. Her 10k time is just over 30 mins.

I'm glad we postponed!


Anonymous said...

You're not running on concrete, by any chance? Ouch. I pretty much wrecked my knees three years ago doing that. I switched to treadmills, a nice cinder track, or best of all a nice dirt trail. It makes a world of difference.

Have you checked out CrossFit Endurance? They have lots of great running workouts.

Anonymous said...

%.2 miles...not shabby at all, Katie.

Hope the knees feel better!


Katie said...

Tami, I try to do my longer runs on the paved path that runs along the Potomac. It's not flat and has a gradual slope, so I think that puts a lot of pressure on my knees to stabalize. Plus I just don't think they are used to the longer distances. I have looked at it Tami... but here's the thing with me and this half... I just want to be able to finish. I'm not really worried about time or how strong it is. Endurance would make me a better runner no doubt... I'm not so much worried about that... just slow and steady... :P

Katie said...

Oh, forgot to post the time on this... the time for this was 56:21. Not a land speed record, but a medium pace.

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, I understand about just wanting to finish it. I was just thinking that CFE has some great running workouts that are short and sweet but still very beneficial. Would maybe save some wear and tear on your knees. Back in the olden days when I had more free time (a few months ago) I did CFE plus the main site WOD's and my endurance in the 5K was through the roof. And I suck at running. Really, really, really suck.

Do you mean the path you run on is cambered (higher in the middle and sloping down at the edges?) Those can be nasty too, be careful. I blew my knee out over four years ago on the same kind of road and I still have problems with it today.

Katie said...

Tami, the path is actually built right along the road between the road and the river, so one side of the path is a little higher and there's a downgrade acros the path (not up or down the path) Think of like a bank. Not that severe, but still challenging. So basically my right foot rides higher than my left foot. That's a hard stabilizer.