Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday's metcon ninjary...

I'm not going to lie... after the Grace Challenge on Sunday, I zonked out. I mean, out out. I climbed in bed at about 12:30. I woke up sometimes around the 5:00 time frame and couldn't figure out where I was. I was zonked. Soooo I tried to go to sleep on Sunday, but I couldn't sleep AT ALL. I tried to get up yesterday to get to CF but I didn't get to bed until at least 1, so I called in a "snoozer" and decided that since CF is now offering later classes at night, I would hit a later class.

Perfect! So last night I rolled into the 5:45 class and hit Andrea's little doozy. It looked like this.

800 M run
21 DL
9 Pull-ups
15 DL
15 Pull-ups
9 DL
21 Pull-ups
800 M run

This should have been a smoker, but honestly, my back was hurting and the deads felt wicked bad. Sooo, I decided to play it smart. I backed the weight down. It was supposed to be bodyweight, but I started with 135. Andrea was watching me do my deads and we both agreed that something was off. So, we threw the weight off and just watched form. I have a very flat back, which is why I always round on my deads. I had an "AHA!" moment. So, when we ditched the weight, I really tried to work on getting my chest out. Getting my dead form down as well as say, my cleans, is going to take a lot of work. Over the last few weeks, it's gotten better, but still room to grow. I think backing down is key. I need to stop trying to think heavy all the time. I love to throw me some heavy weights around, but sometimes I just need to back off. (That should be a duh kind of thing, but it's taken me awhile... yeah yeah yeah, I know.)

FYI... we got the new pull-up bars in on Saturday. This was the first workout with fixed bars. I tore my hands miserably. It's not one of those tears you can ignore... it's right in the middle of my hand. Ouch. Fixed bars are going to take some getting used to... more learning for the teacher... how ironic... :P

1 comment:

Cara said...

Yeah - those new bars are BRUTAL on your hands!