Thursday, February 26, 2009

A weird strength day...

I'm not really sure what to call yesterday's workout. It was kind of a mix mash of strength/cardio work, but more strength than cardio, and it was set up in an intereting way. Chriss has been doing the programming for the last two weeks, and it's interesting to see the things different people come up with. Chriss is an absolute metcon ninja master (he's not even just a ninja) and he came up with some nasty stuff these few weeks. So, it's interesting to see him put these together too.

Yesterday's WOD looked like this


3 rounds
5 Muscle ups (or progressions)
10 box jumps

2 rounds
15 HSPU or modified to abmat
20 KBHP (53 lbs)

1 round
25 pull-ups
30 burpees

I was actually excited to work on the muscle up progression because we haven't done those in a long time. In fact, I haven't so much as thought about a muscle up since my summer of CF last summer when I was done with school. Ah, that seems so long ago... :( But it felt good to work the progression even if I'm weak as crap. Same with the HSPUs. I have to use an abmat as a touch point but as Jerry has said, better to use them and get a benchmark then to just keep half assing it.

The pull-ups are still killing my hands. I think the only way to get my hands to adapt to those bars is going to be to come in and do about 30 chins on my own each day. If I'm off it for a day, my skin starts to heal and then they hurt something fierce all over again. Burpees suck no matter how you slice it, so that was just plain mean and wrong to put them at the end. I finished around 22 minutes, but was ok with that because I was adjusting the rings and really trying to get a lot out of the MU work. I'm not really feeling CF today, so we'll see if I make it in or not. I'm wiped after being late at work last night. I had a table sit until almost 11. Made it home around 11:30. Yuck. Tomorrow I'm def going for a run. I need to get more work in this week. I'm thinking about a swim on Sunday too. I haven't done one of those in awhile.... we'll see though... we'll see...


Tyler said...

"Weird strength." Is that any relation to "retard strength"?

Katie said...

LOL... no Tyler weird strength should not be confused with retarded strength. Weird strength is what our workout was yesterday... a strange combo of strength exercises... retarded strength would be like me strict pressing 200 lbs...

Robin said...

Just stopping by to tell you I got my muscle-ups back! (hadn't gotten one since November 2008)... AND we moved to 3000 square feet today! Are you on Facebook? I'd love to show you the pics.

Katie said...

Robin that's awesome! Congrats on the MU and the new space! I am actually on Facebook. You can find me by using my email addy (you already have that) :)

Robin said...

I found you, and we even have one mutual friend!

Katie said...

LOL... I'm glad Robin! :)