Thursday, July 23, 2009


Of Troy!? No silly pants! It's the CF WOD Helen. Although this particular Helen has not been the cause of the destruction of an entire civilization, she has destroyed, uh well... moi! Helen is straight up one of my LEAST favorite girls. She probably falls right behind Fran who is my least favorite of all. Sorry girls, you're wicked badass and all, but I just don't like you. Now Grace on the other hand, she and I will get along just fine... :)

For those of you not up to date on your ladies, Helen looks a little sumptin' like 'dis...

400 M run
21 KB swings
12 Pull-ups

Time 12:22

This was actually a PR for me. I did the Helen challenge back in the spring and my improvement over the course of the 6 weeks was only a mere 5 seconds. My improvement since then was :21 seconds. I really felt good on this this time, but just like last time I did Fran, my first part was great, but I ran smack into a wall. I did all sets of KB swings unbroken (yay me) but just couldn't keep my running up to speed. My forearms were jacked from the wod on Monday and I just couldn't keep a grip on the bar. But CF says that it's performance on demand, and I tried, but couldn't perform as well as I would have liked. I got on the bar for my 12 chins at 11:30. Normally 12 chins would take about :20. That would have been a SOLID pr for me. But not today. I couldn't even eek out sets of 2/3 at the end. It was brutal. This is why I don't like Helen. Grrrrr... maybe I'll see her again soon...... You know first Friday is just around the corner folks. :)

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