You know how some mornings you just can't help but feel like maybe those extra hours of sleep would just be too good to pass up? Yeah, I was totally feeling that way yesterday, and I decided that, eh, why not? I'm still on summer vaca for about a month or so... let's have at it. Off went the alarm and back to bed went I. I figured since there are later classes at CFOT now, I'd just go to one of them.
I got all my stuff together and drove down for the 1230 class, kmowing full well what was in store. Jerry has taken to posting the WOD's first thing in the morning on our CFOT Facebook page so I knew ahead of time what to expect. Well, what I didn't factor into all of this was the fact that it's the middle of the day, and it's JULY, which in VA only means one thing... well, two rather; heat and humidity. Normally that's not such a big deal. But it is when you're doing a WOD that involves running. Oops. Maybe I should have rethought those few extra hours? :P
I decided to get a warm-up in and ran the mile loop that we use around CFOT for Murph and also for the 5K we run. This seemed like a good idea at the time, and away I went. I ran into an old friend and stopped to talk for a few minutes before actually getting into the mile but as soon as I ran along the river, I couldn't help but notice the heat and the smell rolling off the Potomac. But I kept going, thinking that the run was good for me.
I arrived back at CFOT dripping with sweat and rather disgusting. I felt dehydrated and drank some water not really giving too much thought to the fact that in just a few short minutes I'd be running again. We zipped through some L-sit holds and jumping slamballs as a warm-up before we got to the WOD. As we were warming up I couldn't help but notice the sloshing of the water inside my stomach. Oops. Bad idea number 2 of the day. After that we got the 3-2-1 on the wod and away we went. The WOD looked like this:
300 M run
20 jumping lunges (foot on 45lb weight)
10 pullups
Time: 11:54
The first round of this I had done in less than 2 minutes. At the second round I was just over and headed out for round 3 around 4:08. After that, game off. I was wheezing and really had trouble breathing in the heat and humidity. It was GOD awful. I stopped to walk a few paces, which should tell you something. I couldn't even run 300 meters! Eesh!
I was able to do pretty well with the jumping lunges and on the 1st, 4th, and 5th rounds I was also able to do my pull-ups unbroken, which was pretty awesome, my labored breathing considering. Chad and I both agreed after this WOD that all running WOD's need to be done in the morning hours during the summer months. I feel like 10 minutes would have been a lot more feasible for me had that been the case. The heat and humidity just sucked too much out of me. A good WOD though.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right? Right?
I must be a nut, but I like running in conditions like this. It makes me feel like I've really earned my workout stripes.
I hear you Katie... can't tell you how many times I could have slept in this summer and gone later because I didn't have to rush home to start the school run.
To run at mid day in mid summer you have to be doing it all the time... like my crazy dh who ran 11 miles on Monday over lunch.... with just a 20 oz water bottle in tow.
I think I'll stick to my 0430 wake up...
Ugh... no can do... humidity=evil
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