Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I fall off the Zone, class sucks, and why I was awake at 5am...

Alright, so I hate this class. I have to be here by 8 which is at least a 30-45 minute drive (traffic lights depending) from my house, which means I have not been able to hit team 0600 this week. I'm angry. I'm not pleased, and I'm really really really peeved that I didn't elect to take this class, I'm being FORCED to. I'm creating a list of reasons in my head of why I HATE this county right now. #1 is that it's taking away my CrossFit time! Rawr!!!! Anyhoo, I also hate this class because after the ice cream debaucle this past weekend, I swore that I was going back on my two strict weeks of Zone to kick it back into high gear. Yeah, well, that lasted about as long as I figured out that the lunches and breakfasts they were providing were not Zone friendly, and that everyday there would be "snacks" during class which would consist of cheese and crackers, Tostitos, and CHOCOLATE. BALLS! BALLS BALLS BALLS!!!

All these things I like but should NOT be eating!!! RAWR! So of course I have fallen off the Zone, until today. I went to the grocery store last night, and come hell or high water, everything that goes into my body today will be ZONED! (someone call me at lunch today and make sure I stick to that! yesterday they had dirt... you know, the chocolate pudding with the Oreos and the whipped cream.... :( I ate it... and I loved every bite! Which is very bad!)

Now, since I'm not getting up for CrossFit at 0600, why the crap was I awake at 5am? Wellllll... as it so happens, the teacher who is also the student right now, came home and fell asleep on the couch at 630 and couldn't bring herself at 900 when she woke up, to do her homework. So, she had to get up an hour earlier this morning and finish her homework. I thought you would all appreciate that irony. I now need to go to the cafeteria to sing and pretend to enjoy myself... anyone have a blunt object handy? RAWR!!!!


Brad said...

What class is it?

Katie said...

Responsive classroom... we get to sing and gather at 8am! Yippee!! :P I'm pulling things out of the class about rules and language etc... but the singing and the overly cheerful teachers annoys the CRAP out of me...

Brad said...

Yet another argument for not teaching below the college level...

Katie said...

LOL... what? You don't want to sing songs and do chants at 8am Brad?

Brad said...

I am a morning person. But no, I don't.

I majored in secondary ed math for 30 minutes. Really. I was in a seminar on "what teaching is all about" given by the Dean of the College of Education. 30 minutes into class, I walked out and filled out a change-of-major form to straight math...

Anonymous said...

You were missed this morning! And you missed a HARD one. Hey, are my tax dollars paying for that “dirt?”

georgia said...

Of all the teachers, I suspect that *you* are both the most cheerful and the loudest set of pipes. ;)

Anonymous said...

WELCOME TO MY WORLD!! You tell me that zoning while traveling every week is something that I can do... but now you get it! People always bring in sandwiches or thats your 100% only option. Constantly having food pushed in front of your face that is crap is so tough to stay away from. I do a good job I think, but strict zone is an impossibility when you can't plan your own meals because your schedule unplannable or people provide them!

Darcy 'D2' said...

okay I would rather cut off my thumb then sing and chant at 8am. Your a trooper!

Katie said...

Gar, I am missing the 0600 crew hardcore. I'm not a fan of the 1700 crew. It's just not the same. :( And no, Gar, I didn't miss the fun... I heard you went RX'd... you dog! And no, your tax dollars are not paying for the "dirt". The foundation who is putting on the workshop is... :P

Georgia, far from it. Singing songs early in the morning is not high on my list. In fact, I'm probably the least chipper, and the person who participates the least. I'm not a fan of campy sing alongs. It's not really my thing. I think my demeanor the last few days is a direct result of a.) being forced to do things I don't want to do when I'm not on contract time b.) being forced to drive down route 1 early in the morning and c.) no CrossFit friends at 0600. :( It is quite a damper on my day not to have my early dose of CrossFit. :(

Brian, I never said it was easy, just possible. My will power returned, mostly, today. I still still overeat a little bit, but mostly it was the carrots behind me, although I did have a few too many of the Tostitos. I took my lunch today, and although I incorrectly counted my blocks at 600 this morning, I was able to supplement from the lunch. Tomorrow will be back on track 100%. Brian, you CAN do it... you just have to have more willpower than I did for 2 days. It's returning. Stick with it!

Darcy, I'm contemplating taking a blunt heavy object tomorrow with which to beat myself over the head... I'm not sure this is the true definition of a trooper. :(

Lars said...

Re: Brad: I've been asked in the past to apply for several teaching positions at different levels, but I've always immediately dismissed anything below age sixteen. If I'm going to teach, I'm going to teach those who really want to be there. Not that every seventeen-year old wants to....

I do teach martial arts to kids, but they really want to be there and learn!
"Responsive classroom" sounds like a nightmare at any time of day.

Katie said...

Honestly, the class itself is not that bad, and there are definitely some things I'll be taking away from it. But seriously, the cheesy, campy songs are not flying with me... and all the uber chipper and perky people at 0800 are enough to make me want to beat my head against a wall... or kick them... I'm not quite sure which... only a day and a half more to go! Then my summer is officially MINE!!! That's the other main reason I don't like this class... I hate being FORCED to do things OFF contract time... it SUCKS!!! That'd be like most everyone else's jobs telling them that on Saturday and Sunday they HAVE to go do things... it BLOWS DUDE!