Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strict press has become my arch enemy...

3rd time is a charm right? Well, this is the 3rd time I've hit the blue room when we've done strict presses to a heavy max, and this is the third time I've wound up with a stinger down the right side and am unable to move my head much at all. I don't know why the strict press gets me. I mean, I do but I don't. Strict press is a lot of upper body strength, which I've got, but I don't understand why it's always on the right side, and it's every STINKING time. Literally, it just is a wave of pain running down my neck and down my back along my shoulder blade. This time, I've got the added fun of it going out onto my shoulder and starting down my arm. WHAT THE CRAP!?! For cereal... what the crap? I have iced it already this morning, and imagine me trying to conduct an "Awesome Authors Cafe" while holding an ice pack on my neck and trying not to move my head. More challenging than it sounds. It's days like today where I WISH I was a cube monkey. I'm not happy with my performance today at all. That freakin' stinger kept me off the chin up bar today. I couldn't look up, I could only do two reps at a time... it sucked. SUCKED SUCKED SUCKED!!! I hate workouts like this where I just feel crappy. But here's what the fun looked like:

Work up heavy to 1 rep strict press max

Approx 400 m run (due to paving on our usual route)
30 push presses
30 chins
400 m run
24 chins
24 push presses
400 m run
18 chins
18 push presses

I brought this one in in 27:43, a full 8 minutes behind Stacey. Ouch. The running today actually felt pretty good despite the humidity, but that was really the only thing that felt good. Remember me saying last week after my overzealous running that I was going to start listening to my body when it said ow? Well, I lied. My neck and shoulder hurt so bad, but I refused to give up on the the workout. I don't know why but once I start, I can't call "uncle". It's the stubborn German in me I guess. I don't really know. All I know is that it better fix itself by tomorrow... or I will be supremely angry. SUPREMELY.... grrrrrr....


Cara said...

Hey - you kept on going, that's what matters, right?

I was wondering why my strict press max was higher than yours (70lb), as I know you're much stronger than me. I'm really sad to see that pain like that is the reason!!! :-(

Maybe you should see a doctor to see if you're pincing a nerve with that movement?

Katie said...

I just am frustrated because I don't know why it happens only on the strict press. Why doesn't it happen with push presses or cleans or anything else that uses shoulders? You would think that since they all use shoulders that they would all do it. It's just frustrating, especially since I picked up an extra shift tonight... :(

Oh... the strict press today was 85... the 65 was from the circuit today.

Avery said...

Katie, how long has this been happening? Does it ever happen with pull ups, handstands, other overhead sorts of movements?

When in doubt, if any movement is causing pain - stop! I have learned this the hard way with Crossfit and can't do anything overhead for the moment (haven't for the past 2 months, probably won't be better for at least another 2 - sad). I chose to ignore symptoms thinking it would get better on it's own instead of dropping weight or not doing that exercise. Shoulder tendonitis is a bitch because it takes such a long time to heal AND it seems like all the fun CF stuff involves shoulders!

Chances are that with the push press and push jerk you are able to generate enough force and power with your hips to get the weight overhead which doesn't cause as much stress on your shoulders. I would ask your instructor to take a look at your form - it could be a lot of things, like lack of shoulder stability, too much flexibility or not enough!, an imbalance in your muscles or general weakness on that side (you might compensate with your biceps on certain movements - I tend to do this), or simply not pressing up and over (I used to press slightly away and out before it went over!).

The strict press is incredibly stressful on the shoulder muscles when we are not doing it properly or if we have tendonitis or a pre-existing weakness, etc.

I hope any of these suggestions help - I don't want you to end up sidelined in physical therapy for months like me!

Katie said...

Thanks for the suggestions Avery. It only happens with the strict press though which is why I'm so confused. HSPU, overhead squats, snatches, etc don't bug me. It's just the strict presses. It usually goes away within a day or two but dang if it doesn't hurt like the dickens right now...

JB said...

i experience something similar with max effort press, mine is lower in my back, however.

the solution...

more deadlifts!

that's what my coach would say, but that's pretty much his answer to everything.

Brendan said...

Heres my two cents on the stinger. A while back I had a someone similar problem when doing OHS. I was having trouble maintaining stability on my right side and getting a tingly sensation in that arm.

I chalked it up to fatigue, pushed through and finished the workout. The next day I couldn't really feel the inside part of my arm and had lost the ability to contract the muscles on that side making even pushups impossible.

Long story short I saw and athletic trainer (lucky I had access as a college athlete) and they said that it was a brachial plexus (I think thats right.

Basically, when was lifting overhead I wasn't keeping my shoulders open and the muscle was rolling over on top of the nerve, which is what caused the tinglyness.

I have since corrected the problem by working very hard on form with lower weights before moving back up. I suggest having some look at your form closely and see if it is any different for the strict presses from the push presses and jerks. I agree with avery about being careful as well, being injured sucks.

Good luck and I hope it gets better.


Cara said...

Oooh - on the board you have 65lb as your max 1 rep!!!

Jerry Hill said...

We will do a video analysis next time...

Hope the sting goes away.

I brought a hooverball net and hooverball in for you today and forgot to hand it over - be sure to grab it on thurs or fri so you can get some early hh/bbq visitors to set it up for you.

Katie said...

Brendan, thanks for dropping by and for all the input. I too hope this goes away, but sudden movements on the neck are not a good idea right now...

Cara, the 65 was my circuit weight... my new PR was 85. I hadn't gotten 85 up yet.

Jerry, I will try to be in in the morning and make sure I get the net. I saw it today and made a mental note to ask you about it, but that was during round 2 of our circuit and then I forgot... can't imagine why... :P I think a video analysis would really help cause this really sucks... thanks...

Katie said...

PS Brendan, do you have a blog?

Brendan said...

Sorry, no blog as of yet. I keep all my crossfit stuff in a small notebook I keep in my bag because I usually forget my time between leaving the gym and getting home.

Plus, I doubt I could every be as insightful as you or some of the other crossfit bloggers out there. But perhaps I will start one seeing as I am unemployed and have nothing better to do.

Katie said...

Brendan, just remember, just like with CrossFit, there is no "most inspiring blog" or "funniest CrossFit" blog out there. It's all about furthering the community and having a place where you can share your successes and also your defeats with others, get feedback on troubles (that sounds familiar) and just in general keep track of all your CrossFit goods. I think the notebook is a good idea, but I think a blog is even better. Some don't say much at all. Kurt's and Jerry's are both pretty succinct, but it's a great tool for both of them. I think that since you have some time on your hands, you should get on it. ;) BTW... if you don't mind me asking, what do, or rather did you do?

Darcy 'D2' said...

I suspect Brendon is right and it's a nerve thing. I use to have a lot of shoulder troubles a few years ago and they usually surfaced when doing overhead presses. I think I was letting the weight pull my arms to far back but I'm not sure. To be honest I still tend fear any overhead press but I got through Grace alright the other day so I must be cured.

Good job on pushing through the WOD. I think finishing is at times more important than anything else, then you have a benchmark to destroy the next time ;)

Katie said...

An excellent point Darcy Guy, an excellent point... ;)

JB said...

is "succinct" a nice way of saying "boring"


Katie said...

When did I say succinct? Oh, nevermind... found it...

No, succinct does not mean boring, but your posts are straight to the point. I tend to beat around the bush for awhile before eventually circling back round to my point and then throwing some CF talk in at the end... :P Sometimes my posts have nothing to do with CF at all... :P

Brendan said...

I actually just graduated from Boston University and just dont have a job yet. Not that I have really been looking. I am trying to put off joining the real world and think I may move to the mountains to be a ski instructor. Thus I am currently unemployed technically, doing odd jobs for random people so I can eat and pay the rent. Maybe a job soon though, who knows.

PS, if you know anyone who needs a biomedical engineer give them my name.

Katie said...

Brendan honey, I live near DC. You can probably guess what I'm going to say. Look into the government. I have several friends who work for the government, and let me tell you... they make waaaaaaayyyy better money than I do. Then again, teachers make crap so that's not hard to do. If you feel like leaving the great Northeast... look into it. If you want to go to the private sector after a few years, there are lots of options for that too... It might not be a bad thing to look into... and if you want to be a ski instructor... you can always head to western va... ;) Not to mention... if you move down here... you can work out in the Blue Room... ;) You know... this state is starting to grow on me... hence why I keep encouraging people to move here... ;)