Thursday, January 15, 2009

CrossFit Games DL workout...

Wow, did Jerry ever pick a doozy of a workout today! Woo boy! This workout is no joke. I was going to go light today and try to work on some form because dl's are a weakness of mine. But, Jerry gave me some light nudging and so I tried the RX. The weight was really heavy for me because I was so worried about form. The first couple were ok, but by the end I was rounding pretty bad. I very obviously need to work on these. The workout looks like this

5 X DL (women 185)
10 burpees

This should be a fast metcon but I can't lift 185 very quickly. :( Booness. My total time was 10 something... :(

1 comment:

Diarist said...

Glad you are better! I'm going to do this WOD in the week.

Thanks for sharing!!