Friday, January 2, 2009

Dan's Club

So after Jerry's little metcon marathons, I was really hoping today would be a strength day. I'm not a fan of metcon... blech... but I know I know, it is a necessary evil. But, I got my wish anyway... today was a strength day. We've hit this workout before, and I wasn't really happy with it last time we did it. So I was, not excited, but glad this one came up again. Here's what she looked like today...

Dan's Club
:90 to complete
5 strict press (80lbs)
:60 rest
:90 to complete
5 strict weighted chins (18XBW, 5X10, 1X12)
Total 6,147

At the end, calculate number of lbs moved on strict. Then for chins, take body weight plus weight moved and calculate total for chins. Add together for total. Last time, I only used 70 lbs for this, so I was able to do better with the chins. This time, I used 80 lbs on the strict but struggled with the chins. I know I've been talking about weaknesses lately, and the chins have been feeling particularly weak. I'm not sure if it's the extra weight I'm hauling around or what, but we need to work on it. And by we, I really mean me. :P Of course... Tomorrow is a rest day.. I will enjoy it before hitting the blue room again on Sunday.

I really do hope that everyone had a great holiday season! New year... new goals. What are your resolutions? Strict more? More chins? Squat more? I'd love to hear. Perhaps we can even, dare I say, form an online thing to keep each other honest! We could even use my blog. Just a thought for my regular readers! And even maybe my not so regular ones. :) BTW... new year also means new friends... if you've been reading, but hiding in the woodwork, now would be an excellent time to out yourself and make new friends... someone in Herndon loves me... Texas too (Crazy Wife CrossFit? LOVE IT!)... and someone in Florida... ;) I seeeeeeee youuuuuuuu! ;)


Anonymous said...

My goals for 2009:
1. Lose 30 pounds
2. Get pull-ups. I'm tired of messing with it, I want the damn pull-ups! (I strongly suspect #1 will help a lot with #2)
3. Finally get over an 80# strict press
4. Fran as RX'd
5. Ring dips
6. Fix my shockingly bad squat
7. Stick to a 3 on 1 off schedule as much as possible
There are many, many more, but I don't think I could fit them all into one year. In two years -- muscle ups!

Cara said...

I want to deadlift 1.5x my bodyweight - so 225lbs damnit. One of these days!