Sunday, December 14, 2008


Friday was Diane, and although Diane does not look like she will take it to you, for some reason on Friday, she did. I thought, oh, ok, deadlifts and HSPU. Well, Jerry told me that I could sub strict presses for the HSPU's, so I did. But for some stupid reason, my brain was just not with it on Friday and I was losing focus on the deadlifts. I rounded out a LOT, and just wasn't really feeling the workout. I know that happens to the best of us every now and again, but still it doesn't mean I like the feeling. Diane as Rx'd looks like this,

HSPU (my sub was 25lb db strict presses)

Women's weight-145 lbs.

I woke up on Saturday and my back was screaming. I know I f'ed up the deads. Ouch. My time for this was over 12 minutes. Ouch. :(

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