Thursday, December 4, 2008

I miss Fran, and the infinite hotness of Jeff Yan

So, I knew today was going to be Fran and I wanted to go, really I did. But I worked all three jobs yesterday and didn't roll home until after 11. After doing some work for swimming I hit bed sometime after midnight. I love Fran and I love Jerry, but combined with the bubonic plague, 0445 was NOT happening this morning. So, I missed Fran.

But, on a happy note, I would just like to touch on one of my favorite topics... Jeff Yan. If I haven't mentioned it recently, he is one AMAZINGLY HOT specimen of CrossFitness. If you ever happen to be in NYC you really ought to go check him, I mean check out the Black Box and meet him. ;) He is also a great brunch companion! ;) Just be careful if you work out with him... it can be distracting to work out with someone who has such amazing CrossFit prowess.

(Jeff Yan has not been feeling the love from my blog lately. I hope this helps. You can also help Jeff feel the love by reminding him of his infinite hotness and amazingly mad awesome CrossFit skills!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, this Jeff Yan fellow must be something. This is the third CrossFit blog that has mentioned his infinite hotness in the last week. I would imagine that alone would be a testament to his absolute awesomeness.