Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ah, today I got to meet Gwen.... she's not very friendly, and she doesn't play nice. If you've never done Gwen, it looks deceivingly easy. I know I know. We say that all the time. It didn't look that bad on paper! Yeah, they don't ever look bad on paper. Well, that's a lie. Sometimes they actually do look bad on paper. LOL.

Sooooo my dear fair Gwen. She is a nice little smoker. She looks like this.

Clean and jerk
Touch and go only
No regrip from the floor
Rest between each set

Seeing as how I can clean and jerk 135 lbs, I wasn't sure what to do for this. I loaded my bar to 85 and wow did it ever feel heavy. So, with Jerry's ok, I dropped to 75 before I did my 15 reps. Even dropping to 75 felt super heavy. But, I did it. I had to rest in the rack a few times, but I didn't foul. Well, actually I think I did because we weren't supposed to dump the weight and I did. Ooops. Crap. But, it felt good to get in. Since I've been on for four days straight I took a rest day today, but tomorrow I'm sure I'll be back in and hopefully have more stories to tell. Ooooh, maybe tomorrow I'll regal you with the story of the lady at the gym who we're plotting to mess with... ;)

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