Tuesday, March 31, 2009

But I CAN'T put my arms down...

Ok, so maybe this isn't REALLY a Christmas Story, and I'm not REALLY dressed in so many layers that I can't put my arms down, and so my problem isn't REALLY even that I can't put my arms down at all. But it was a fun excuse to quote A Christmas Story! :)

In fact, I have to admit that my problem is quite frankly the opposite of the kids problem in A Christmas Story. I can't raise my arms up! Yesterday Fran was an absolute metcon smoker. Who knew that 5 minutes could hurt so much? Well today was some strength work of the semi-metcon kind. It was designed to be a metstrength workout, IF you could do all the movements. I'm still working on getting my strength back to do ring dips, and I still have not mastered the handstand push ups. We were also doing chest to bar pull-ups, which takes me some time, as now that I've figured out HOW to do them, I can only do 1 at a time. Today's WOD looked like this.

7 HSPU (sub strict presses if you can't do them)
7 Ring dips (had to use a floss band)
7 Burpees
7 Chest to bar pull-ups

So, I'm not dreadfully happy with myself right now because obviously I had to modify half the workout today, but I mean, I guess it's good to work the movements as Jerry always says. I think I've just reached a very high frustration level right now. I'm so ready for spring break, and I'm exhausted because of work, and I have gained back a lot of weight, so I'm frustrated in general these days. I started back a strict zone today and what did I do? Walked out of the doggone house without any of my cheese. Well... so much for perfectly balanced.

What's more important than the cheese though, IMHO, is the fact that today I did not drink coffee. I also did not drink soda. I didn't realize, until very recently, how much of that bad habit I had gotten back into. I'm craving sugar in the worst way and I'm getting a raging headache, because obviously, I'm going through withdrawl. The fact that I'm withdrawling is NOT, I repeat, NOT a good sign. It's a sign that I've allowed myself waaaay too many freedoms in the last months and I've allowed myself to get right back into all those old habits that I was trying to kick. The next two/three weeks are really going to suck as I allow my body to essentially detox itself. I'm going to be a crabby mother I'm sure, so I'm going to apologize in advance. I'm subbing all the soda etc with flavored water... and although that's not perfect either, it's a MUCH better alternative until I can kick the flavor jones completely. God this is going to suck... really. Just today alone, you know what I had to walk past? On my way through the office there were some sort of iced breakfast muffins and brownies. As I passed through the teachers' lounge, there were cookies, and God help me, there were more when I passed through later.... I am paying for my bad eating multtiple times over.....


Anonymous said...

I feel for you Katie. My eating has sucked since November, and I need to do a hell of a lot more than keep on talking about it!

Katie said...

Justa, I'm going through sugar withdrawls and I'm one cranky mother... bad habits... ugh...

Jen said...

I hear ya on sticking to the Zone. I was good for 5 weeks solid - no cheating - and dropped 8-10#. I've 'added' in some cheat days/cheat meals which tend to 'add in' when I'm lazy. I've been keeping track of what I eat, and seeing what goes in makes me feel more accountable. I rarely go to the small kitchen here at work, and the day I do, there is a HUGE bag of full size Butterfingers and Snickers bars. I couldn't tell you the last time I had one, but I was close to breaking that streak. I stayed away and was glad I had my cheese wheel waiting for me at my desk! Not the same, but it helped.

Hang tight! We all have our ebbs and flows, and some more than others, but it eventually evens out.