It was just another ordinary Monday in the sleepy little town of Alexandria, VA... but our heroine, Katie, soon realized that there was mischief afoot. Oh, yes, indeed there was. As she walked into school, she saw a very nice tea being set up to say thank you to parent volunteers. She was forced to attend and stare at little trays of tea cookies and cakes, and finger sandwiches too! Oh, woe for our heroine! Her evil school was trying to ruin her Zone! It was a classic case of good CrossFit Zoner vs. Bad UnZonefriendly food! But our heroine did not stray. She forged ahead with a hearty spirit and ignored the evil cookies! She had prevailed and conquered them! She was soon tested again, as to honor her, and her supreme awesomeness, a student had brought her cookies (the kind with M&M's). Our heroine thanked her kindhearted student, and at switch time, carried the evil doing cookies to the teachers' lounge! She had prevailed yet again.
As Wednesday arrived, our heroine realized that she was destined to be tested again as her school had organized a teacher appreciation breakfast! Oh woe for our heroine! She caved to the delicious bagels lurking in the teachers' lounge! She was certain that doom was upon her, but she regained her composure, forging ahead with her Zone lunch and eating a healthy Zone dinner. But her evil school was not finished! It stealthily snuck up again, this time in the form of a teacher appreciation lunch on Thursday! Filled with sandwiches and chips and COOKIES! Ack! But our heroine remained true to her trusty sidekick the Zone, and ate her Zone friendly lunch meat, apple slices, and grapes, while those around munched contentedly on their evil foods! Even her students seemed determined to ruin it for her by bringing her bags of chocolate, again to celebrate her complete awesomeness, of course. But, our heroine managed to again overcome the evil chocolate, and carried the bag down the hall to the teachers' lounge. She promptly declared by her special in the afternoon all traces of chocolate would be gone. Our heroine was once again right, because of course our heroine is always right, and as she headed to the refrigerator to get her Zone friendly snack, all the evil chocolate had disappeared! Our heroine had won! She had championed over the villainous school and her well meaning but villainous students! She had succeeded! Now, she is going to go home and celebrate with ice cream from Maggie Moos.........
FOOOOOOLED YOU! ("I can't believe you fell for that! It's the oldest trick in the book!") Points if you know who said that! ;)
So, really, what is the point to all of this senseless and mindless rambling? Well, basically, just to let everyone know, that just like them, I struggle with the Zone too. Life has this knack of just throwing you into situations where you are forced to deal with things. For me, it's been Teacher Appreciation Week, and literally staring chocolate and cookies in the face everyday! It's hard sometimes, but you know what the right thing to do is. But, but! If for some reason, you fall off the wagon, do not feel bad. It happens to us all. Hell, I was shoving bagels into my face so fast yesterday my mouth probably resembled a wood chipper. Have you ever watched them use one of those things after they cut down a tree? I mean, man, it's like the tree limb is there one second and gone the next. Yeah, that's what I looked like yesterday, I'm sure. Bagel by mouth one second, gone the next. The important thing though is not that you fell off, but that you get up, dust yourself off, and get right back on. The Zone is designed to be a tool to help you live a healthy lifestyle, not ruin your life and make you miserable. But, if I can do everything that I did above... you can too. I'm living proof. And to add to that proof, I nailed a chin PR today. I don't think that would have happened without the Zone. 15 pullups for me. That's a lot. That was huge for me because it's a goal I set months ago. Jerry can attest to that. But I have him and the Zone to thank for it. So, if you're feeling a little squirrely about your Zone, don't fret. Just pick yourself up, kick your own behind, and ditch the chocolate in the teachers' lounge. Guaranteed it will be gone before you have second thoughts... ;)
"our heroin"...sounds like a drug problem to me, not a zone problem!!
Katie! Nice PR!! Maybe God allowed me to have the stomach flu to save me from the evil teacher appreciation week! Ha! Once again...great post. Thanks for the smile.
Oh - by the way this California girl is snickering over your BIG earthquake. heehee
I am sorry, however, about the dust issue. I had major construction on my class last summer and there are several angry entries on my blog about it. :) I promise not to post a third time.
Ooops!!! Tanya, I will fix my spelling errors as soon as I have time. *snicker* That is kind of funny though. :P
Kim, I'm glad that you have been able to avoid evil Teacher Appreciation week! I'm glad I could make you laugh even if you're not feelin' so hot. As for posting three times... go for it! It gives me something nice to read later! :) As for the earthquake, it was just totally bizzarre to hear this really loud boom in the middle of class. It was strange. The dust... oh dear lord... it is STILL all over crap in my room and I have Lysol wiped just about everything in there trying to get the dust out. I was more mad about the fact that the smartboard etc was in there. Those things are easily worth between 5-10K!
Quote from The Princess Bride! Vizzini
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