Friday, May 23, 2008

A CrossFit Birthday...

Ok, so I guess the secret got out a little sooner than I was hoping for. You know, like after the workout was over? But thanks to Keturah's singing birthday card, Jerry deduced that it was my birthday. So my first present today, was that I got to wear a 12lb weight vest to do my workout. Hoooo ah. Let me tell you what fun that was. Actually, in a way it kind of was... 12 lbs. is just shy of what I have lost since I started zoning in March. To put all that back on and try to complete a workout was nothing short of amazing. I didn't realize as I was losing the weight, exactly how much of a difference it was. Now, after adding it back on, I have extra incentive to stick the Zone and try to stay healthy. I don't want to put those 12 pounds back on. Not for anything in the world. There is plenty of great footage, however, it's not up yet. Once Jerry posts it for me to steal, I'll allow you to see me dying in my weight vest. Today's fun looked like this:

Hallow rocks-6 rounds
9 Minutes
3 L-sit chins

5 Ring dips
10 Front squats (65lbs)
15 Box jumps

I finished 8 rounds today. I think. In the fog, I got a little lost. I'm not going to lie. So, that was CrossFit birthday present numero uno. CrossFit birthday present numero dos came courtesy of Mr. Mirek. Lord he cracks me up. Go add to my birthday present. DO IT!!!! --------> Katie's Birthday Present Jeff, this is a good opportunity for you to get a little payback. :)


Avery said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy..happy...happy birthday! WOW! I love birthdays! yipeeeee

Jerry Hill said...

Happy Birthday Katie!
I hope you're celebrating ALL weekend!

Katie said...

Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys! :)