Tuesday, April 8, 2008

CrossFit pulls a c*ck block...

Ok, so I'm not going to lie. I didn't get up and work out today. After 90 chins, and 90 squat cleans on Sunday, Badger def put a whoopin on me. Or at least my delts, or are those my traps? Or is it a combination of everything? Honestly, I haven't been able to completely raise my arms for two days, which for a person like me who talks excessively with their hands, is somewhat problematic. Anyhoo... so... good old CrossFit.

Let me take you back for a minute in a walk down memory lane. When I first started CrossFit at Bobby's suggestion, CrossFit and I weren't real tight. We had our share of disagreements, and we were acquaintances at best. We certainly weren't BFF. But over the last three months of so, I have to admit that CrossFit and I have gotten to be pretty tight.

It's there for me, I'm not usually there for it, but you know... it works. We're pretty close these days. We hang out four, sometimes five days a week. It's pretty nice. We have a great understanding of one another. Well, I've never asked CrossFit for relationship, or well, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's say "dating" advice but of course, CrossFit was ready to offer it up.

Well the other day, I met someone who said that they do CrossFit three days a week. And their quote, per my Badger blog, was that they can and do regularly "kill CrossFit workouts." Now first off, what CrossFitter do you know who regularly brags about their workouts? Secondly, what CrossFitter do you know who is content with "killing" their workouts? No true CrossFitter is content with that. They always say, yeah today was ok, but NEXT time... I'm going to wear a weight vest, or NEXT time, I'm going to use more weight... or NEXT time, I'll step up to pro... or I should have added/done/ changed something today. CrossFit is designed to push you. No true CrossFitter is content with "killing" a workout. It's just not in us.

So thus, from the previous statement about killing CrossFit workouts the only thing that I could assume... is that this guy is a faux CrossFitter and not a true CrossFitter... and that he must also lift girlie weights, and is not someone that I want to waste my time on. Therefore, I deleted him from my gmail and my phone, and will not attempt to message him again... So, CrossFit has officially offered me dating advice and has officially given me its first c*ck block.

Thank you CrossFit for sparing me the drama and aggravation of what I'm sure would have been a horrific situation had you not intervened, seeing as how the man only uses a 26 pound kettlebell... fo' sho!


Mr. Mirek said...

Now that was a fun read! Instead of killing workouts, aren't we usually killed by the workouts? What a wonderful feeling. It brings me one step closer to heaven. Keep rockin' those workouts. Who needs arms anyway?

RP said...

Katie, Found your blog via CFNYC. Always good to read a fresh voice with a good sense of humor! I categorize people in 2 groups...the dog'ers and do'ers. It's clear where you fit in. Happy CF'ing

Cara said...

That's hilarious Katie! I love reading your blog :-)

keturah said...

You did it again, Katie...
Isn't it amazing how Crossfit gives you more than physical strenth? You also know how Jerry can have a vision the night before and come in at 6AM having us work all lower body. Like the previous commentor, 'who needs arms?'

georgia said...

Nice post, Katie! We've gotta start doing some affiliate tours/vacations this summer and find you a REAL CF man...CrossFit Challenge: Fight Gone Bad for (Date with) Katie!!! Don't you just love that idea? no? :(

Katie said...

Thanks for all your comments guys! I'm glad that I was able to amuse you all! :) Keturah, it is absolutely amazing what CrossFit, and good people like you, have brought into my life in the last few months. I'm unbelievably thankful for this experience. Georgia... I'm thinking of a road trip soon... maybe NYC? ;) I like the idea... then I know he's a real man... :)