I don't know if you remember this shtick from Campbell's a few years back, but there was a Campbell's soup commercial where there was a little boy, sitting at the end of the table by his brothers. The idea was that the soup was passed to the brothers before him, but by the time he got the soup, there was so much chicken in it, that he even got some and all that was left was not broth. The surprise was clear as he delivered his "Hey! I never knew there was chicken in this!" line. Now, what in the crizzap does this have to do with my day today? Well, much like this boy, I was pleasantly surprised today.
Jerry ran a different format today, and gave everyone a quick circuit, and then time to work on form, or work towards their 12 week goals. Our quick circuit was a 1.68 mile run today. This was good for me because I haven't been doing much running at all lately. But, although my time was pretty consistant for me, 15:12 (a rough 10 minute mile) Jerry wanted us to sprint. I don't think though that Jerry understands that I can't sprint. I can't. Really. It's just not in my nature. So I'll be happy with the 15:12 and take it as more training for October.
Now, one thing I realized. I hate the Nike+ running shoes. For flat feeted people like me, they are horrible even with insoles. They role too much to the outside, which is exactly where my pressure isn't supposed to be. I think it's what's been hurting my running lately, because you know what, I didn't have any of the pain that I do know before I bought those shoes. I had the pain of my old ones wearing out, but not like this. I need to buy the old kind again. Sorry Nike, but screw you. Going back to the Brooks as soon as I am financially able. Shoes matter people! shoes matter...
After the run, I was walking barefoot through the parking lot because I couldn't stand my shoes, and was contemplating what to work on. I decided today would be a good day to keep working on my muscle up progression. I am going to get one. It's going to happen. I need to master the break in the middle though. That's what is hurting me. I'm physically strong enough to go from a dead hang and get my chest to the rings, but not physically strong enough to break through and over them. But here's where my pleasant surprise came in. As I was talking with Danny, I said I was amazed that I could get to the rings, but couldn't do a strict pull up. Danny was quizzical and said, "You can't? Let's see." So I went to the bar, completely expecting to not be able to do it, and guess what! I hit a strict chin. No kip, nothing! I have NEVER in my entire life been able to do a strict chin. Never. I was totally stoked. It means that my strength has actually gotten to the point where I can lift my own body weight. I realize that I was only doing them one at a time, but still. That for me was huge. Body weight exercises are a serious weakness for me, and to hit that chin today was enough to shock me, but also make me want to do a happy dance.
So all in all... another good day in the Blue Room. Also, I'm stoked to see so many new readers from different parts, especially Peru. Jaime is really working hard to try to spread CrossFit, and talking with him has just been really cool. I hope you all have a chance to go check out CrossFit Peru and say hi!
Well, after being at work all day today (yup, pulled the lucky day shift card today) I'm off to shower since I smell! :) Lovely.... :P
Congrats on the chins! Keep at them...you'll be amazed at how effective they are.
You're so right about the shoes. If I run anything more than a few sprints with the wrong ones, I have sore calves for days.
Oh...BTW...I don't smell anything over here! :)
good job on your deadhang pull-up.
you'll get a muscle up soon enough. and once you learn it, it's like riding a bike, you'll never lose it.
We are having a challenge at our gym - who can be the first girl to get a muscle-up? Pretty exciting stuff. So everyone is working on their ring pull-ups, ring dips and support hold. Good luck to you!
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